The Campaign to Save Richard Neutra's
Cyclorama Building at Gettysburg

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Timeline of Events:

This timeline covers the building from its design, construction, and eventual preservation battle, 1958 - 2004

Links to relevant documents and photographs are included where applicable.

December 1995 "The NPS prepared a Determination of Eligibility for the Cyclorama Building, in accordance with National Register Bulletin #22, 'Guidelines for Evaluating and Nominating Properties That Have Achieved Significance Within The Last Fifty Years.' Based upon its evaluation of Criteria Consideration G, the NPS determined that the building had not achieved historic architectural significance since its design in 1958, and had not received scholarly recognition." (Section 106 Case Report, January 1999, p. 2)
May 1996 Brent Glass of the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office concurred with the NPS that the Cyclorama Building was not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
1996 The park estimates the cost required to rehabilitate the Cyclorama Building for continued public use at $8,127,213. (Section 106 Case Report, January 1999, p. 11)
15 March 1997 American Institute of Architects Historic Resources Committee urges the National Park Service to preserve the Cyclorama Building Link to PDF Image of Letter
September 1998

NR Keeper Carol Shull determines the Cyclorama Building eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, thereby activating the Section 106 process of review. "The Cyclorama Building is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places for its exceptional historic and architectural significance under criteria A and C. Constructed in 1958 as part of the National Park Service's massive and influential Mission 66 program, the Cyclorama Building is one of only five of the newly conceived building type, the Visitor Center, designed for the National Park System by noted, world class architects." Link to text of document

November 1998 NPS releases Conservation Considerations and Recommendations Regarding Exhibition of the Gettysburg Cyclorama Painting Link to text of document
January 1999 Rep. James V. Hansen (R-UT), Chairman, Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, urges Bruce Babbitt, Secretary of the Interior, to withdraw the current Environmental Impact Statement and General Management Plan and suspend the process of approval "until all the facts and issues have been explored." Link to text of letter
26 February 1999 Draft Project Description for "Mission 66: Contextual History of National Park Service Planning, Design and Construction, 1945-1972." National Park Service. Link to PDF image of document.
9 February 2000 Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center Saved! National Park Service press release supports preservation and interpretation of the Giurgola-designed Mission 66 visitor center in North Carolina but still no change on the decision for Neutra's Mission 66 building. Link to text | Link to photographs of building
3 July 2000 The Observation Tower at Gettysburg is demolished.
24 February 2004 The Society of Architectural Historians appeals the denial of the National Historic Landmark nomination of the Cyclorama Building by the National Parks Advisory Board
Link to PDF Image of Letter page 1 | page 2


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This site composed and administered by Christine Madrid French 2004.