Architecture and Design Links:
(links have not been updated since about 2008)
Past Preservation Network
- reCyclorama: The Campaign to Save Richard
Neutra's Cyclorama at Gettysburg. An advocacy group seeking to preserve
the Mission 66 Visitor Center at Gettysburg National Military Park,
- Richard and Dion Neutra,
architects. Richard Neutra, working with Robert Alexander, designed
the Gettysburg National Military Park Visitor Center and Cyclorama in
Pennsylvania as well as the Petrified Forest National Park Visitor Center
in Arizona. Dion Neutra coordinates preservation efforts of historic
Neutra buildings using this site. This is the only web site dedicated
to Neutra's unique and innovative designs.
- Anshen + Allen, architects,
designers of the Dinosaur National Monument Visitor Center in Utah.
The firm, established in 1940, continues to operate with offices in
four cities.
- Anshen + Allen, begun by Bob Anshen and Steve Allen, created a
number of small, modern homes for the developer Joseph Eichler in
the 1950s in California. Eichler also hired the firms of Jones &
Emmons and Claude Oakland. The popular homes are covered by a host
of web sites created by dedicated owners and afficionados:
Other Interesting Modern Sites:
- Post-War Portfolio: Robert
Royston. The mid-century landscape designs of Robert Royston, a
Bay Area landscape architect, designer, and educator. Site by JC Miller.
- Doo Wop Preservation
League. The DWPL educational mission is to foster awareness and
appreciation of the popular culture and imagery of the 1950's and 1960's
and to promote the preservation of the largest collection of Doo Wop
architecture found in the United States.
- The Eames
Office: covering the designs of Charles and Ray Eames.
- Jetset: Designs for Modern Living
A collection of items from the "Pop-culture Archaeologist."
- Modern
Home. Purchase collectibles, books, and furniture from the mid twentieth
- Twentieth Century Designs.
Another site for purchasing relics from the middle years.
- RETRO: The Magazine
of Classic 20th Century Popular Culture, a free online magazine
covering the first seventy-five years of the twentieth century.
- Deco-Echoes,
companion web site for a print magazine focusing on Art Deco, Streamline
Moderne, Biomorphic 50s and Abstract 60s styles.
- Society
for Commercial Archaeology, dedicated to investigating and preserving
twentieth century commercial landscapes
National Park Service and related sites: