Gettysburg National Military Park Visitor Center/Cyclorama
National Historic Landmark Nomination
Completed by Richard Longstreth and Christine
for the Society of Architectural Historians, June 1999
Link to:
9. Major Bibliographical References:
Books | Articles | Unpublished
Materials | Recent Accounts on the Building's Preservation
| Previous documentation on file (NPS)
10. Geographical Data
Form Prepared By
Previous documentation on file (NPS):
Preliminary Determination of Individual Listing (36 CFR 67) has been requested.
Previously Listed in the National Register.
__X__ Previously Determined Eligible by the National Register.
Designated a National Historic Landmark:
Recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey: #
Recorded by Historic American Engineering Record: #
Primary Location of Additional Data:
_____State Historic Preservation Office |
_____Other State Agency |
_X__ Federal Agency |
_____Local Government |
_X__ University |
_____Other (Specify Repository): |
Acreage of Property:Less than one acre
UTM References:
Zone | Easting | Northing |
18 | 308770 | 4409650 |
Verbal Boundary Description:
The boundary of the Cyclorama Building is shown as the dotted line on the accompanying map entitled "Gettysburg National Military Park: Planting, Visitor Center Area, 1961," (Fig.3). The building sits at the center of a rectangular boundary measuring approximately 200' wide by 400' long, The property lies between Hancock Avenue to the west, a National Park Service road, and Taneytown Road to the east. Boundary includes entire building and two ground-level terraces at east and west entrances. Walkways and vegetation beyond dotted line boundary not included in this nomination. |
Boundary Justification:
Boundary based primarily on building footprint and small portion of surrounding land that contribute to the historic integrity of the Cyclorama Building. Other landscape features are not considered a significant part of this designation, with the exception of two adjacent outdoor patios (as described above) which constitute the associated setting. Features listed in National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination for Gettysburg Battlefield Historic District (1974) not included in the boundary for this nomination. |
Name/Title: | Richard Longstreth and Christine L.
Madrid, historians for the Society of Architectural Historians |
Address: | 1365 N. Astor Street, Chicago, IL 60610 |
Telephone: | 312-573-1365 |
Date: | June 30, 1999 |
Edited by:
National Historic Landmarks Survey
National Park Service
P.O. Box 37127, Suite 310
Washington, DC 20013-7127
Telephone:(202) 343-