Awards and Honors

2024 Preservation Award: Archivist Carie Chesarino

2023 Preservation Award

2023 Heritage Award for Historical Research

2022 National Honorary AIA - George Smart

2020 Preservation Award

2020 Award of Merit

2019 Architects Newspaper Best of Design Awards Research, Honorable Mention

2016 AIA Institute Honors for Collaborative and Professional Achievement - George Smart

2014 Historic Preservation Advocacy Award from the Preservation Society of Chapel Hill

2014 Survey Citation of Merit Award from DOCOMOMO-US

2013 Blast from the Past Award from Historic Charlotte for documentation of Charlotte houses

2013 AIA North Carolina Legacy Award for service to North Carolina architecture by a non-architect

2013 Isosceles Award from AIA Triangle for service to Triangle architecture by a non-architect

George Smart was Tar Heel of the Week, June 2012

2011 Anthemion Award from Capital Area Preservation

2011 Advocacy Award

2009 Sir Walter Raleigh Individual Award for Community Appearance

2009 Paul E. Buchanan Award

2008 Gertrude S. Carraway Award of Merit by Preservation North Carolina for individuals and organizations that have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to promoting historic

2008 Award of Merit