Modapalooza was a great success! Want to join us in 2025? Email
USModernist is not affiliated with
Modernism Week. We like them a lot, but as the saying goes, they are just not that into us.
There are no service or processing fees to buy
Modapalooza tickets.
There are no physical or digital
tickets; your name will be on a list at registration.
You should get a receipt from
Modernist Archive Inc. at PayPal (our credit card processor)
within an hour for the entire amount of your purchase.
Once payment is made, there are no refunds for any reason except for event cancellation. Events occur rain or shine.
Architects can get self-reported CEU hours if arranged in advance with the AIA.
Adults 21 and over only. There is no smoking, tobacco products, or outside alcohol/drinks/food of any kind at any event location.
Proceeds benefit the
award-winning documentation, preservation, and promotion work of
USModernist, a 501C3 nonprofit educational archive, the largest in the world for midcentury modern houses, including thousands in Palm Springs.