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Jacobsen was born in Grand Rapids MI and the family moved to Washington DC. After graduating from Wilson HS, Jacobsen graduated from the University of Maryland in Fine Arts in 1951. He married Robin Kearney in 1952. According to the Boston Globe, they bought a taxi in London with 500,000 miles and drove it to Rome and back. He attended the Architectural Association of London, graduating in 1954, and architecture at Yale, studying under Louis Kahn, graduating in 1955. He served in the USAF 1955-1957. Two sons, Simon and John Matthew. Jacobsen worked briefly for Philip Johnson in 1955 and Keyes Lethbridge Condor from 1957 to 1958. After that, he started his own firm. He created the addition under the West Terrace of the U.S. Capitol, restored two Smithsonian museums — the Renwick Gallery and the Arts and Industries Building — and renovated part of the US Embassy complexes in Paris and Moscow. He was known for steep-roofed pavilions, like Monopoly houses and hotels, unfurling like a telescope. Jacobsen won many awards and was a perennial favorite of Architectural Record's Record Houses issue, which since 1956 included him an record 20 times. One of his two sons, Simon, joined him in practice and continues the firm. Bio adapted from Wikipedia and the Washington Post.
1958 - The Roberts House, West Virginia. Destroyed in a forest fire a year after being built.
1959 - The Branscomb House, 7935 Deepwell Drive, Bethesda MD. Original address 5 Hidden Oak Lane. Next to the Thoron House 1, below. Destroyed in 1997.
1959 - The Benjamin Warder Thoron House 1, 7933 Deepwell Drive, Bethesda MD. Next door to the Branscomb house. Also next door to a Frank Lloyd Wright house. Has a basement fallout shelter. Later expanded, not by Jacobsen, with a vaulted roof addition. Sold to Brent Siler. Sold in 2001 to Michael Barnard. Sold in 2004 to John Clark. Sold in 2014 to Leland and Jenny Crabbe.
1960 - The Harold Tager House, 9000 McDonald Drive, Bethesda MD. Tager met Jacobsen at a dinner party and asked for a Philip Johnson-style house. Landscape design, Lester Collins. Later a floating second floor was added by architect George Hartman. Sold in 1978 to Carl Nordberg. Sold in 2014 to Ted and Ruth Kassinger; years of water damage had almost destroyed the house. Architect Ben Van Dusen added a library, fixed the second floor, put in new windows, and took everything else to the studs. Jacobsen visited in 2017, saying "Nice house! It must have been a brilliant architect!"
1960 - The Robert Edmund Lee House Remodel, 2813 Q Street NW, Washington DC. Not the Confederate General. Original 1900 Victorian Rowhouse remodeled to streamlined modern. At some point before 1960 the owners bought the vacant lot next door and moved the house's entrance around to that side. Won a 1962 AIA Potomac Valley design award; 1964 AIANY design award. Sold to Paul Opalack.
1960 - The Hugh Newell Jacobsen Renovation, 2735 P Street NW, Washington DC. Original house built in 1900. Renovated again in 1965. Sold in 1998 to Bernard and Carol Cutler. Sold in 2017 to Akseizer Design Group who renovated it. Sold in 2019 to Ross and Sandra Flax.
1961 - The Alan Y. Naftalin House, 102 ???, Riva MD. On Beard's Creek. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1965; Architectural Record Vacation Houses of 1970. Engineer, Carl Hansen; built by Fishman; photos, Robert Lautman. Won a 1964 national AIA Honor Award; 1964 AIANY Award of Merit; 1965 AIA Potomac Valley Award. This house put Jacobsen on the national radar. Sold around 1982. Status unknown.
1962 - The Robert Shorb House, 5118 Wissioming Road, Bethesda MD. Located on Beard's Creek. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1964. Engineer, Carl Hansen; built by Fishman; photos by Robert C. Lautman. Addition in 1972 designed by Colden Florence. Sold in 1979. Sold to John and Judith Aldcock.
1962 - The Robert Nathan House, 7101 Crail Drive, Bethesda MD. Commissioned in 1960. Cruciform plan, bubble skylight, and porte-cochere. Jacobsen designed an addition in 1987. Still owned by the Nathans as of 2019.
1962 - The Carter House, Washington DC. Addition in 1967. Original house built in 1907. Status unknown.
1963 - The William Shaw House, New York NY. Won a 1967 AIANY Merit Award. Featured in Architectural Record, March 1966; New York Times, March 1967. Status unknown.
1964 - The Isham House. Featured in the Washington Post, 11/10/64. Status unknown.
1964 - The C. Woods Vest Jr. Guest House, 1342 28th Street NW, Washington DC. Featured in Home and Garden Magazine, July 1967. Sold to Robert and Susan Wallace. Sold in 2017 to Ezra and Jessica Glass.
1964 - The Calvin Cafritz Remodel, 3038 Cambridge Place NW, Washington DC. Original house built in 1900. Sold for the first time in 2021 to Michael and Jocelyn Rapelyea.
1965 - The Ronald L. and Alice Gainer House, 3012 North Monroe Street, Arlington VA. Featured in Architectural Record Vacation Houses of 1970. Formerly 3000 North Monroe. Built by John Claiborne; mechanical, Carl Hansen; photos Robert Lautman. Still owned by the Gainers as of 2019.
1966 - The Stephen Millett House, aka Pavilion House, 363 Poppasquash Road, Bristol RI. Engineer, Carl Hansen; built by Anthony Nunes; B/W photos by Norman McGrath. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1968. Sold in 1996 to Nils Westberg. Sold in 2006 to Bryan J. Sadler. Destroyed. New house built in 2017.
1966 - The Benjamin W. and Violet S. Thoron House 2, aka Beech House, Seven Gates Farm, Martha's Vineyard MA. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1966; Architectural Record Vacation Houses of 1970. Engineering, Carl Hansen; built by DeSorcy; photos by Robert Lautman. Possibly sold; needs verification.
1966 - The Sohier House. Featured in the Washington Post Potomac Magazine, 11/10/66. Status unknown.
1967 - The Scott House, Georgetown, Washington DC. Renovation in 1972. Featured in the Washington Post, 4/1/73. Status unknown.
1967 - The James Newmyer House, aka Brick Pavilioned House, 3003 Audubon Terrace NW, Washington DC. Commissioned in 1966. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1967. Structural engineer: Carl Hansen; consulting mechanical engineer, George Campbell; built by Jesse Dustin & Son; landscape architect: Lester Collins; interior designer: Edward M. Benesch; photos, Robert Lautman. Still in the Newmyer family as of 2019.
1967 - The Bolton Square Townhomes, Mosher and West Lafayette, Baltimore MD. Commissioned in 1964. Won an AIA National Honor Award. Designated as a Baltimore City Landmark in 2008.
1968 - The Stephen Trentman House, 1348 27th Street NW, Washington DC. Engineer, James Madison Cutts; B/W photos by Robert Lautman; built by Brincefield; landscape design, Lester Collins. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1969. Sold to William Shew and Leslie Wheelock. For sale in 2024.
1968 - The Hugh Newell Jacobsen and Robin Jacobsen House 2 Remodel, 1352 28th Street NW, Washington DC. House originally built around 1810. Renovated again in 1975. For sale in 2023.
1969 - The Jewett House. Status unknown.
1960s - The Stern House, status unknown.
1969 - The Gerald Smernoff House, 7005 Nevis Road, Bethesda MD. Built by Elvin Brincefield Company; Lester Collins, landscape design; James Madison Cutts, structural engineer. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1970. Received a WBOT Architectural Excellence Award in 1969. Still owned by the Smernoff family as of 2019.
1970 - The Stuart Land House, 59 Ocean Drive, Rehoboth Beach DE. Commissioned in 1967. Project architect, Roger Spees. Still there in 2020. Status unknown.
1970 - The Arthur Hartman Additions and Pool, 2738 McKinley Street NW, Washington DC. Commissioned in 1968. A 1939 Tudor designed for Samuel Carpenter by Evan J. Connor. Ambassador Hartman served as President Carter's Ambassador to France and President Reagan's Ambassador to the Soviet Union. When Hartman was in Moscow the house was rented to, among others, Samuel Dash, Chief Counsel for the Senate Watergate Committee. In 1968 Jacobsen added a pool and a breakfast room overlooking the pool. In the 1990s architect John Wiebenson lengthened the living room and turned the screened porch into a den. In 1997 architect Dickson Carroll expanded the master suite, turned the garage into a laundry room, and created a playroom on the lower level. Sold for the first time in 2019 to Grant and Melissa Epstein.
1970 - The Cord Meyer Remodel, 33rd Street NW, Washington DC. Status unknown.
1970 - The Edward Echeverria Remodel, 2706 Olive Street NW, Washington DC. Original house built in 1900. Sold in 2016 to Rory G. C. Veevers-Carter and Patricia Elisabeth C. Dijkhuizen. Sold in 2022 to Jennifer Bisceglie and Robert Brese.
1970 - The Tidesfall Lake Townhouses, Wilde Lake Terrace, Columbia MD. Built by Page Construction; structural, James Madison Cutts; photos, Norman McGrath. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1971. Example residence: 10295 Wilde Lake Terrace.
1970 - The V. V. King Vacation House, Long Island NY. Status unknown.
Around 1970 - The Proctor Harvey House, 7710 Georgetown Pike, McLean VA. Original designed included several houses. Sold in 2004 to Alfred Moses Trust. Sold in 2022 to Michael and Courtney Green.
Around 1970 - The Donald and Meryl Streep Gummer House, 54 Beaver Dam Road, Salisbury CT. Yes, it's that Meryl Streep. Still owners as of 2022.
1971 - The Alexander Blumenthal House, 6008 Shipyard Lane, Easton MD. Located on the water. Built by Ships Point Construction; structural, James Madison Cutts; photos, Robert Lautman. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1971. Sold in 2010. Sold in 2021.
1971 - The Miller and Smith Detached Houses, Truro Community, Annandale VA. The community of Truro was started in 1968 and was built in 3 phases. Main architects involved were Robert Campbell Deigert and David Norton Yerkes. 377 mid-century modern houses were built in total. Jacobsen designed the "Skyview" model aka the "Pod" house. Five of these were built. Above is 4106 Turkey Creek Court, which sold in 2020.
1971 - The C. Woods Vest Jr. House 2, aka House in St. Croix, 32 Estate Carlton West End, St. Croix VI. Won a 1972 National AIA Award. Sold. Status unknown.
1972 - The Ralph A. and Marian Schwaikert House, Lakeville area of Salisbury CT. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1973. 5000sf. 90 acres. Built by Gilligan Brothers; structural engineer, Fortune Down Elliott. Status unknown.
1972 - The J. Robert Porter Renovation, aka Town Home with a Country View, 3518 Newark Street NW, Washington DC. Original house built in 1917. Featured in LOOK Magazine. Sold in 2011 to Victoria Marchand and Daniel Hamilton. Sold in 2021 to Neal Wolen and Nicole Elkon.
1972 - The James Kemper House, 1231 West 57th Street, Kansas City MO. Still in the Kemper family as of 2019.
1973 - The Burton Reiner House, 7108 Armat Drive, Bethesda MD. Sold for the first time in 2022 to Aaron and Kimberly Sobel.
1973 - The Fredrica Rosenberg House, 817 Vicar Lane, Alexandria VA. Sold in 1976 to Herbert and Louise Rust. Sold in 2012 to Jerome and Tara Casagrande. Sold in 2020 to Jeane Thomas.
1973 - The Peter Peterson Apartment Remodel, 10 Gracie Square, New York NY. Status unknown.
1973 - The Sam Korman Apartment Remodel, Philadelphia PA. Status unknown.
Around 1974 - The Schumacher House, Georgetown, Washington DC. Status unknown.
Around 1974 - The Eichols House/Greenhouse, status unknown.
1974 - The Berton (Bertie) Korman House, Philadelphia PA. Commissioned in 1973. Built by Csink; photos by Bill Maris. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1975. Status unknown.
1976 - The Joseph Baker House, aka Three Pavilions House, Frederick MD. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1976. Built by Floyd Culler; B/W photos Robert Lautman; structural engineer, Kraas and Mok.
1976 - The Edwin Stetson Pool Addition, Maryland. Status unknown.
1976 - The Michael Straight Remodel, Maryland. Status unknown.
1976 - The Elkins House. Status unknown.
1976 - The Edward and Frida Burling Addition, 29th Street NW, Washington DC. Jacobsen added a solarium. Sold in 2017. Sold in 2019 to Mnnt LLC. Altered and painted white.
1976 - The Robert Butts House, Virginia. Originally there were to be ten houses. Status unknown.
1977 - The Robert and Judith Elliott House Remodel and Addition,
17 West Irving Street, Chevy Chase MD. Originally
a carriage house built in 1871 for an estate that has since been destroyed. Featured in
Architectural Record Houses of 1977.
Won a 1977 AIA Washington Award. Addition built by the owners; photos Robert Lautman; structural engineer, Kraas and Mok. Deeded to Judith Elliott.
Renovated by Jacobsen again in the 1980's. Sold in 2024 to Edward Norberg
and Carolyn Small.
1977 - The Kurtz House, Washington DC. Status unknown.
1977 - The John Dreier House, aka Dreier Barton House, aka Four Linked Pavilions, 2927 University Terrace NW, Washington DC. 1990 sf. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1978. Structural engineer, Alfred Kraas; built by EJ Smith; B/W photo by Robert Lautman. Sold in 2010 to Robert Holleyman and Bill Keller. Renovated around 2013 by architect Richard Williams. Won a 2013 Residential Architect Magazine Design Award.
1977 - The Paul and Rachel (Bunny) Mellon Estate, aka Rokeby Farm, aka Country House, Sea Hero and Longborough Lane, Upperville VA. When the property and 2000 acres could not be sold as one, the property was divided. The brick house and 284 acres were sold in 2015 to Alex and Jill Holtzman Vogel. Subsequently, Oak Springs Farms, Bunny Mellon's estate, sold almost 122 acres to Connecticut based Oak Springs Dairy, which makes artisan cheeses.
1977 - The Baer House, New York City NY. Status unknown.
1978 - The Feild House. Status unknown.
1978 - The White Residence, aka Hillside House Overlooking the River, 1003 Crest Lane, McLean VA. Project architect, Rodger Speas. Featured in Architectural Digest, November 1982. Addition in 1988; project architect, Ernest Schickler. Photo, Robert Lautman. Sold in 1999 to Barry Appleman. Sold in 2008 to William Melton. Sold in 2010 to Patricia Smith. Sold in 2012 to the UAE Government, which also owns the house next door. Has been modified several times.
1978 - The David E. Rust Renovation, 2800 Block of P Street, Georgetown, Washington DC. Featured in the Washington Post, 1/8/78. He was the curator at the National Gallery of Art for nearly 20 years, retiring in 1984. There was a fire in 2007 where he lost several expensive paintings.
1978 - The Elliott House, aka Design House, Reston VA. Unbuilt.
1978 - The John and Jo Ann Kingdon Addition, 5500 Chamberlin Avenue, Chevy Chase MD. Original house built in 1937. Won a 1980 AIA Washington award. Sold in 1995 to William and J. A. Reyner. Sold in 1998 to Richard Creighton.
1979 - The Sand Castle, Washington DC. Jacobsen built a large sandcastle on the grounds of the AIA Headquarters. Featured in Architectural Record, May 1979; New York Times, 4/4/70.
1979 - The Dixon Residence, 3250 Fox Street, Wayzata/Long Lake MN. 20 acres, 3000sf. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1979. Built by McNulty; structural engineer, Kraas and Mok. Photos by Robert Lautman. Featured in the Washington Post, 5/26/79. Sold in 2004 to Mallory Mullins and Martin Lueck.
1979 - The Joel Putterman House, 3 Fairway Drive, Selinsgrove PA. Commissioned in 1979. Landscape design by the owner; built by Commonwealth Construction; structural engineer, Kraas and Mok; photos by Robert Lautman. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1980. Sold in 2018 to Curtis Michael Brown.
Around 1979 - The Jackie Onassis House, aka Red Gate Farm, Martha's Vineyard MA. 340 acres. Mostly sold in 2020 to the Martha's Vineyard Land Bank Commission and the Sheriff's Meadow Foundation. It was known as the Squibnocket Pond Reservation and at some point open to the public. The Kennedy family kept 95 acres at the property, including this house.
1980 - The Donald Johnson House, aka House in Kentucky, 1315 Castle Rock Way, Lexington KY. Photos by Robert Lautman. Featured in Architectural Digest. Sold to Helga Duffy, Redbob Farms.
1980 - The Challinor House, Southport/Fairfield CT. Status unknown.
1980 - The Eichholz Apartment. Status unknown.
1980 - The Robinson and Jean Baker Renovation, 8717 McDonogh Road, Pikesville MD. Additional renovation in 1988. Transferred in 2012 to Susan and Scott Baker, aka Horsehead Farm.
1981 - The John and Cynthia Buckwalter House, aka House in Lancaster, 124 Eshelman Road, Lancaster PA. Structural engineer, Kraas and Mok; photos by Robert Lautman. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1981. Renovated in 2010. Sold in 2021 to Veronika and Andreas Fuchs.
1981 - aka Saddleback, 151 Veritas Lane, Afton VA. Sold in 1999 to Andrew and Patricia Hodson. Renovated with counsel from Simon Jacobsen and turned into a farmhouse winery.
1982 - aka Desert Guest House, Tucson AZ. Status unknown.
1982 - The Charles E. Van Horn House, aka Huge House, aka Hugie House, aka Huge-Gee House, 628 Boyle Lane, McLean VA. 2200sf. Sold in 1995. Sold to Rainer Famulla.
1982 - aka House on the Eastern Shore, MD. Structural engineer, Kraas and Mok; project architect, Charles Parker; built by Harper and Sons; landscape design, Lester Collins; photos by Bent Rej. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1982. Sold to the Glovers. Status unknown.
1983 - The Calman Zamoiski House, aka House in the Tidewater, Hopkins Neck Road, Oxford MD. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1984; AIA National Award winner. Built by Nuttle Lumber; structural engineer, Alfred Kraas; project architect, Rodger Speas; landscape design, Kurt Bluemel; photos by Robert Lautman. Zamoiski died in 2021. Status unknown.
1983 - The J. David Bryan House, 3700 Butler Road, Glyndon MD. Still owned by Bryan as of 2019.
1984 - The Karpidas House, Athens, Greece. Project architect, Paul Roddick. Status unknown.
1984 - The David Welles House, 16962 West River Road, Bowling Green OH. Deeded to Georgia Welles.
1984 - The Spaso House Renovation, Moscow, Russia. Since 1933, it has been the residence of the US Ambassador to the Soviet Union, and since 1991, to the Russian Federation.
1985 - The Charles and Janice Rosenak House, PO Box 549, Tesugue NM. Designed to look like an old western town from a movie set. The Rosenaks were well-known collectors of folk art and photographs which were donated to various museums. Status unknown.
1985 - The Richard G. Schaub House, Indian River Shores FL. 25 pyramid shaped roof sections. Featured in the Vero Beach Press Journal, 7/21/85. Was to be part of 83 homesites in an 80-acre architectural showcase community. Status unknown.
1985 - The James L. Kahn House, 56 Hawthorne Drive, Lima OH. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1986. Structural engineer, Kraas and Mok; photo, Mick Hales. Sold in 2014 to Ashok and Pavithra Tripuraneni.
1987 - The Eugenie Voorhees Renovation, 47 Orange Street, Nantucket MA. Original house 1750. Won a 2003 AIA Washington Award. Sold in 1999 to DPL/Neil Millman. Sold in 2008 to Trevilian Station LLC.
1987 - The Mendoza House, aka Island House, aka Casa Fiesta, La Romana, Dominican Republic. Available for rent. Needs verification.
1987 - aka House on the Gulf, somewhere in Florida. Status unknown.
1988 - 26th and L Apartments, Washington DC. Unbuilt.
Around 1988 - The Syrigos House, aka Villa Syrigos, Perseos 5, Psichiko 154 52, Athens, Greece. Project architect, Paul Roddick. Next door to Villa Andropoulos. Status unknown.
1988 - The Philip Palmedo House, aka House on the North Shore, 4 Piper Lane, St. James NY. Project architect, Charles Parker. Featured in Architectural Record Houses of 1989. Still owner as of 2023.
1988 - The Carson House, Dutchess County NY. Five pavilions. Project architect, John Murphey. Status unknown.
1988 - The Waddell House, Long Island NY. Built. Project architect, Jamshid Kooros. Status unknown.
1988 - The Steve and Sue Jacobs House, aka A Village of One's Own, 1625 Stocton Road, Meadowbrook PA. Sold in 2016 to Damian Fernandez. Sold in 2020 to Samuel Dykstra and Olivia Romeo.
1989 - The Derald and Janet Ruttenberg House, Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic. Status unknown.
1989 - The Patton House, Vero Beach FL. Status unknown.
1989 - The David Welles Guest House Renovation, Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic. Originally designed and built by others in the 1970s. Periodically expanded. Destroyed in a 1999 hurricane.
1989 - The Forbes House and Gardens, 1350 Kirkway Road, Bloomfield Hills MI. Won a 1997 AIA Virginia Award. Photo by Balthazar Korab.
Around 1990 - The Sohn House, Ontario, Canada. Status unknown.
1990 - The Andropoulos House, aka Hillside House, aka Villa Andropoulos, Perseos 9, Psichiko 154 52, Athens, Greece. Project architect, Paul Roddick. Next door to Jacobsen's Villa Syrigos. Status unknown.
1990 - The Lehrer Renovation, West Virginia. Commissioned in 1989. Status unknown.
Around 1990 - The Kurtz Loft, New York NY. Status unknown.
1990 - Private Residence, Pescadero CA. Unbuilt.
1991 - Private Residence, Soba Netherlands Antilles. Unbuilt.
1991 - The Waldman House Addition, Annandale NJ. Unbuilt.
1991 - The Advaney House, Voorschoten, The Hague, Netherlands. Status unknown.
Around 1991 - The Huntington and Amie Block House, Siaconset, Nantucket MA. At some point there was a lawsuit between Jacobsen and the Blocks. Sold in 2010 to Frank and Georgine Anton.
1991 - The James Garner House, aka Rancho La Zaca, 6903 Foxen Canyon Road, Santa Maria CA. Additional buildings in 1998. Sold in 2000. Sold in 2018 to Live Oak Partners, a winery and wedding venue.
1991 - The Charles C. McKinney Residence, 277 Beach Road North, Wilmington NC. Won a 1996 AIA VA award; 1995 AIA Washington Award. Sold in 2010 to John Gussenhoven.
Around 1991 - aka Pimney's Point, Nantucket MA. Status unknown.
1991 - The Donald and Shirley Brown House, aka Waterford Estate, West Lake Road, Vermilion OH. He was inventor of the drop ceiling. 160 acres on Lake Erie. A complex of 11 buildings, including room for your chopper. Sold in 2020 to a development company.
1992 - The Stewart Greene House, 25715 Bruffs Island Road, Easton MD. Sold in 2017 to Stephen Wolf. Project architect: Robert Riddick. Featured in Southern Living Magazine, 1994. Won a 1993 AIA Washington Award.
Around 1992 - aka Courtyard House, aka Residence at Windsor, Windsor area of Beach FL. Won a 1992 AIA Washington Award. Status unknown.
1993 - The Rich House, 15 Academy Lane, Demarest NJ. Sold in 2019 to Mooyeon and Chonghyo Park.
1993 - The Harvey Caplan Residence, 7 Noel Drive, Short Hills NJ. Sold in 2000 to Douglas Steiner. Sold in 2016 to Ruth Katz.
1993 - House in Ohio. Status unknown.
1994 - The Margaret Kelly and Haleem Tahir House, 5406 Tuscarawas Road, Bethesda MD. Still owners as of 2019.
1994 - The Gordon and Carole Segal House 1, 8147 SE Golfhouse Drive, Hobe Sound FL. Sold in 2021 to Hobe Sound Husket LLC. In 2003 Jacobsen designed a second house for the Segal in Colorado, below.
1995 - The Clarke House, Easton MD. Photos by Robert Lautman. Status unknown.
1996 - The Nef House, aka House in the Berkshires, 230 Blue Hill Road, Great Barrington MA. 116 acres. Won a 2000 AIA DC Award. Built by Louis Boxer of West Stockbridge MA. Sold in 2012 to Blue Hill LLC.
1996 - The Ridgelea House Renovation, 8362 Holtzclaw, Warrenton VA. Original 1920 house by architect Waddy Wood. Sold to Barbara Langhorne. Sold in 2021 to William R. Morris III.
1997 - The David Welles House, aka Windsor I, Windsor FL. Status unknown.
1997 - aka LIFE Magazine Dream House. LIFE Magazine commissioned Jacobsen to design a house that could be built for $200,000. As of 1997, 550 sets of plans were sold. Few were built, and even fewer without modifications. LIFE magazine folded in 2007.
1997 - One of the LIFE Magazine Dream Houses, Forest Lake MN. Status unknown.
1998 - The Knapp House, 10807 Bellagio Road, Los Angeles CA. Sold in 2013 to Nobuyuki (Nobu) Matsuhisa.
1998 - The Polpis House, 3 Fulling Mill Road, Nantucket MA. Sold in 2020 to George and Christine Spencer.
Around 1999 - The Don and Evelyn Mayerson House, 2935 Hammock Way, Vero Beach FL.
1999 - The Kenneth Scheer House, 3400 Windsor Boulevard, Vero Beach FL. Won a 2000 AIA Washington Award. Still owned by Scheer as of 2019. Photo by Robert Lautman.
2000 - The David Welles House, Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic. New house built after a 1999 hurricane.
Around 2000 - aka House in Richmond. For sale in 2014. Status unknown.
2000 - The Donald and Patricia Wilks House, 7028 SE Harbor Circle, Stuart FL. Photos by Robert Lautman.
2002 - The Richard and Kim Fletcher Residence, 3811 Harding Place, Forest Hills, Nashville TN. Sold in 2020 to Keith and Maria Naisbitt.
2002 - The Eugenie Voorhees Barn Remodel, Liberty Street, Nantucket MA. Sold to Jason Tilroe/75Main.
2003 - House in Nantucket, Nantucket MA. Status unknown.
2003 - The Gordon and Carole Segal House, Snowmass CO. The Segals founded Crate and Barrel. Project architects: Luther Weber, Simon Jacobsen.
2004 - The Doug and Sarah Rivers House, 5190 Castle Creek Road, Snowmass, Aspen CO.
2004 - aka House in New Jersey, aka Chatham Residence, Chatham NJ. Status unknown. Second house for these owners.
2005 - The David Welles House IV, aka Windsor IV, 10611 Charleston Drive, Vero Beach FL. Deeded to Georgia Welles. Won a 2009 AIA Washington Award.
2007 - The Bob Klinkowstein, Ruth Shefer, and Earl Marmar House, 105 Spring Trail Road, Stowe VT. Deeded to an LLC but likely the same owners. After they bought the land, they found out that zoning allowed one house, not two. The solution was separate suites and guest rooms at either end of a 100-foot-long, 4,000-square-foot house. Jacobsen designed the furniture as well. Jacobsen declined to design them a basement, so that was handled by a different member of his firm.
2010 - The Jeff Atlas House, aka Birdhouse, 3173 Dry Creek Road, Napa CA.
Around 2010 - The Dowley House, Nantucket MA. Status unknown.
Around 2010 - The Simon Jacobsen House, Washington DC.
2011 - The Farish House, 1068 Wilson Way, Telluride CO. For sale in 2021.
Around 2011 - The Ziegler/White Doerfer House Renovation, 1 Scipio Creek Drive, Apalachicola FL. A renovated 1870 Creole beach cottage moved from another location to a site overlooking a 200-acre preserve between the shrimp boat harbor ad the Apalachicola River. Sold in 2020 to Brigham Gardens LLC aka Hillary Brigham.
Around 2014 - The Ken Sugarman and Tommy Llewellyn house, Rehoboth Beach DE. Built by CMG. Designed by Simon Jacobsen.
Around 2014 - The O/K Calvert Apartment, Washington DC. Won a 2014 AIA Washington Award. Designed by Simon Jacobsen.
Around 2014 - The Kahlbetzer Residence, Windsor area of Vero Beach FL. Won a 2014 AIA Washington Award. Designed by Simon Jacobsen.
Around 2014 - aka 4MVR Residence, Nantucket MA. Won a 2014 AIA Washington Award. Designed by Simon Jacobsen.
Around 2014 - aka Prevailing Westerlies Cottage, Valley Forge PA. Addition to a main family residence originally built in 1710.
Around 2018 - The Jack and Joan Dempsey Condo Renovation, aka Spy House, 400 Madison Street, Alexandria VA. Built by Harry Brasswell. Won a 2018 AIA DC Award of Merit. Designed by Simon Jacobsen.
Around 2019 - The John Bray House, 100 Pepperell Road, Kittery Point ME. Designed by Simon Jacobsen. Addition to a house built in 1662. Won a 2020 AIA Washington DC Award. Restoration of earlier main house as well new pavilions replacing 3. Sold in 2007 at auction to Daryl Hall (of Hall and Oates fame). Sold to Jonathan King and Jim Stott, founders of Stonewall Kitchen in York ME who hired Jacobsen Architects to restore and rebuild.
Year unknown - The Katz House. Status unknown.
Year unknown - The Sollis House. Status unknown.
Year unknown - The HiW House, Arizona. Status unknown.
Sources include: Architectural Record Houses; Phoebus Panigyrakis; Hugh Newell Jacobsen; Hugh Newell Jacobsen Architect - Recent Work; Hugh Newell Jacobsen Architect - Works from 1993-2003.